How Porchfest Works

Dunleath Porchfest relies on goodwill and hospitality. Neighbors offer their porches, musicians volunteer their talents, and we pair the two to present performances throughout the neighborhood all afternoon.

High Cotton, 2024

Host a Porch Performance

check back to participate in 2025

Karla Davis, 2024

How it works:

Dunleath neighbors can offer their porches as performance venues, and we assign a performer and performance time. General participation guidelines are listed below.

Porch hosts agree to:

Marta Richardson & Charles Graves, 2024

  • Generosity, hospitality, and goodwill in the form of providing your porch to host a 45-minute performance between 11 am and 5 pm on event day.

  • Sign up to participate.

  • Connect with your performer after receiving your assignment (early May).

  • Place a Porch Host sign in your yard prior to the event (we provide the signs).

  • Be available for the duration of the performance at your porch, help as necessary, ensure appropriate volumes, and keep the performance to its assigned time.

Mike Garrigan, 2024

Porch hosts are provided with:

  • A Porch Host sign to be placed in the yard prior to the performance through event day,

  • Bottled water for the performers,

  • A tip jar for the performers,

  • A list of event-day procedures, FAQ's, and contact information,

  • Printed event maps to distribute to guests,

  • A prepared script to welcome guests and introduce performers.

Offer to Perform

check back to participate in 2025

How it works:

Greensboro Tarheel Chorus, 2024

Dunleath Porchfest celebrates the richness and talents of performing artists in our community and in our region.  This is where you come in! Musicians and performers of all types are welcome to participate. Bands, ensembles, solo acts, singers, songwriters, dancers, storytellers -- the more genres and variety, the better! All you need to do is:

  • Mark your calendar for event day, and clear your schedule from 11 am-6 pm. 

  • Sign up to participate.

  • We’ll assign you a porch and 45-minute performance time slot, leaving you plenty of time to wander, mingle, celebrate music, or hustle off to your next gig.

Someday Susan, 2024

Soul Noises, 2024

Performers agree to:

  • Generosity and goodwill in the form of a freely given, 45-minute performance (the performers that sign up and show up are predicated solely on the act of giving – which applies equally to everyone).

  • Connect with your porch host after receiving your assignment to coordinate the logistics of your performance; i.e. space needed, electricity needs, parking, etc. (Assignments will be sent in early May)

  • Bring whatever gear you need for your performance; i.e., sound equipment, extension cords, chairs, etc. No sound or other equipment is provided by the event. 

  • Arrive in time to set up, perform sound check, and begin your performance at the assigned time.

  • Perform only during your assigned time.

  • Offer a family-friendly performance as this is a family-friendly event.

  • Play at a sound level respectful to the neighbors and/or other performers nearby. Think of your venue as the space between the house and the curb and adjust for that.

  • Help promote the event by inviting family, friends, and social media followers.

Bach on the Porch, 2024

Performers are provided with

  • Electricity, if needed, at the assigned porch.

  • A tip jar to place during the performance. We’ll also provide QR code signage at your performance location listing your preferred online tips platform (Venmo, CashApp; PayPal, etc.).

  • Complimentary “Dunleath Porchfest Performer” t-shirt for each person performing at the event.

  • Listing on the printed and online map and event guide as well as on our website.

Participation FAQ's

Can I choose my time to host or to perform?

Short answer is no. Scheduling performances throughout the neighborhood, with many factors in mind, requires careful logistical planning. This way we can prevent conflicts with other performances nearby. Porch hosts and performers are welcome to request a time frame, and every effort will be made to honor the request.

Brown Mountain Lightning Bugs, 2024

Mark Catalano ft. Eric CK & Gabe Fonorow, 2024

Why just one performance per porch?

Well…some of our porches host more than one performance. But we like to keep it at one performance for two reasons: 1) to encourage our guests to visit and enjoy performances in other parts of the neighborhood; 2) to allow our porch hosts the opportunity to roam the neighborhood to enjoy the performances.

buy Event T-Shirts & Caps

Porchfest event t-shirts and caps will be for sale on event day. Shirts are imprinted with the event logo, and feature a list of participating bands and performers on the back. Caps are new this year, and feature color embroidery of the event logo. Proceeds from t-shirt and cap sales help support Dunleath Porchfest.

Donate to Porchfest

Porchfest brings people together for an afternoon of fun and goodwill. Neighbors offer their porches, musicians volunteer their talents, food vendors participate without paying a fee, canned goods are collected for the Triad Health Project food pantry, and admission is free. However, there are components and supplies for the event which require funding to make the event run smoothly and fun for everyone. T-shirt and bottled water sales help offset some of these costs, but we still need your help to continue bringing this event to the community. If you'd like to make a financial contribution to Dunleath Porchfest, please click the Donate button above. Donations in any amount are appreciated!